Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Job

Many of you have inquired about my job, and what I do, and if I like it. So, I thought I would just write about it and let you all know. I would also like to point out that many of you happily told me you would come and visit me and you CLEARLY have not. Just letting you know, Ill be there all summer. You still have time :) OH- and if I go with you, you could use my 20% off discount. Ha ha ha.

Above is a picture of lots of places in the restaurant. Please pay special attention to the salad bar that is the top left. That is pretty much what I do. Stock it, clean it, replenish it. Yep. Exciting huh? I sometimes get to do the to-go orders if they order cookies, or a salad or soup. I think I like doing that best. What can I say though, I dont love it, dont hate it. Its a good job though, and I was lucky to get the first one I applied for down here. The people are nice too.

But yeah, here is a plug for any of you- if you are down in Provo and need somewhere to eat, come into Brick Oven, the food really is great!! Make sure you ask to say hi to me!! I work in the market room, and NO, your server wont know me. I like to keep a low profile :) Ha ha ha. Either that or there are about 60 servers so its a bit hard to keep track...Happy Eating everyone!


Amy said...

Yeah my server had no idea who you were. Neither did the girl cleaning the windows or the hostess. I have some things I need to tell you though. A) you totally didn't give me your discount. B) I was totally sitting in the first booth there in the picture in the center of your photo collage. C) I love you enough to come visit and say hi.

Niederfam said...

Nothing better than making your own salad, and Brick Oven is QUITE yummy!!! We'll have to come down there one of these days.

Erin Page said...

totally would love to come visit you. i love your guts.

Kristen and Garrett Halligan said...

Ha love the little side note that nobody has actually come to visit when they said they would... Me and G will plan a day trip one of these days and come visit(maybe)! It sounds good! Oh and the book I'm reading now mentioned it, they were in Provo and went to eat at the Brick Oven, crazy...

Nicole said...

I know, I really would love to come and visit...if we ever came down these days.

~JeNn ChErRy~ said...

Cute blog...it sounds like things are going well for you!!!

Niederfam said...

its nicoleandnate.blogspot.com....the pictures are posted on May 7th....so you gotta go back, but you may like reading some of it, they just got married, and she's got lots of cute pictures from the honeymoon, showers, etc.....ideas ideas.....and I LOVE her red shoes......CUTE girl, see what you think....she got the dress at the perfect dress.

Becca said...

Where are you?! I feel like you have fallin in a hole..and i woulnd't like that! come back Emily!