Friday, January 25, 2008

A few things im grateful for this week...

So I see a lot of people doing a weekely 'Thankful for' posts on their blog and I think it looks like fun, so here is a list of things im grateful for this week-

1. My roommates. Every time they even go to the store, they are always super nice and ask if I need anything. Im grateful to have been so lucky to have good roommates over the years. I know lots of people that have been stuck with crazies!!

2. The Sun!! I never realize how much I miss it till its gone. I guess that is true with most things!! January hits in Logan and the inversion settles in, and it is few and far between that the sun comes out, and when it does, I am sure happy!

3. My job!! How lucky am I to have a job where I get paid to do homework, play on the internet or even write this post!

4. 4-Wheel drive and the fact that my parents pretty much 'gave' me the Expedition. Yes, its a gas hog, but its all mine, and I always feel safe in it.

5. Self-esteem. This one sounds stupid, I know but there are lots of things that have been going on with girls in the ward, or friends of mine that get them down so easily!! I am glad I have a positive outlook and can laugh at myself, especially when I fall down on the ice!! Oops!

6. Meeting new people!! The is one thing I look forward too with new semesters is a new opportunity for friends. I have me a lot of cool people.

7. Music and my ipod. What would the walk be like to school in -12 degrees without my music to keep me company.

8. Professors who are your friends. They realize that learning can be fun and treat you as a colleague not just another number. I am super grateful for that.

That is all I can think of for now!! I hope you all had great weeks as well!


emily said...

a great list! and happy birthday oldie!

galbraithfam said...

Okay, it's a good list and all, but where is the 'i am grateful for family'? Ha! J/K....sorta. Well, in case you are wondering we are grateful to you, especially because you are always so sweet to Lexie!

erinmalia said...

those are some good things, emily. i agree about the that pays you to blog?! how great is that!

Unknown said...

yay!!! :)

Niederfam said...

well done, i like the picture of the dolphins too, so true, it's nice to be out of the loop every now and then.....:)and umm...yeah, the honorable family mention, thanks alot!!!:)

Kristen and Garrett Halligan said...

Hey girl! Cute blog! I didn't know you had one, thanks for telling me! ;) I added your link to my blog so I can check up on you regularly! Love ya girlie!!!