Sunday, March 2, 2008

You got me trippin oh, STUBLING...

My newest find these days is something called 'Stumble'. It pretty much has changed my life. I surely helps to pass the time at work. What it is, is a website that will find new and creative websites it thinks you would like. When you sign up, you are given a list of various interests/hobbies/activities and you click on what you are interested in. Then a new toolbar is added to your internet, each time you want a new page, just click 'stumble'. Some things I get are completely insane, other I really enjoy and bookmark for later use. I love new and exciting websites so I though you might too! Oh, and pretty sure you have to use it on Mozilla Firefox....sorry, not internet explorer! But make the switch anyway, Mozilla all the way :) Enjoy!


kaitlin said...

i love firefox! I made the switch.

Niederfam said...

Alright, I'm going to have to try it in my "spare" time....Thanks for the tip!!!

Unknown said...

ok where did you get the cute layout, I hate the ones blogger has!