Tuesday, May 27, 2008


My friend Kristen tagged me so I guess its time to go! I needed a new blog post anyway, so here goes!!!

Three Tag...You have to write down 3 of each: joys, fears, goals, current obsessions, & random facts.

3 joys: Family, Food, Friends (ha ha ha, the 3 F's)

3 fears: Some of these might make me sound VERY shallow, but you asked, and I dont mean them to be that way.. Ok, one would be that I am afraid of having a handicapped child more because I would be scared I would mess up giving them all the care they need!! Not because I dont like handicapped people, next would be my Mom dying unexpectedly, and another is teaching? I really am excited to teach, but it is a fear of mine. Someday (which is rapidly approaching...) I will be the teacher and the one in charge an its kinda intimidating and scary!! But I am excited too!!

3 current obsessions: Zack Pugh, The Bachelorette, Ice cream...

3 random facts: I am addicted to WAY more TV than I would ever admit to, I am actually a very sensitive person, and I have not developed film in probably 2 years!


Noelle said...

you're addicted to television? you sick...sick girl..

Nicole said...

those were kind of fun! I haven't seen that tag before but I like it.