Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Votes are In

The people have spoken. Congratulations President Obama. The war in Iraq, the biggest economic crisis, you wanted it, you got it. Now go do something good with it.


Zack said...

I hope he is all talk. . .

Niederfam said...

I agree, let's get on with it!!!!

emily said...

yes indeedy. i'm interested to see what will happen with him in - if anything? i hope so.

emily said...

yes indeedy. i'm interested to see what will happen with him in - if anything? i hope so.

dot... dot... dot... said...

I couldn't agree with you more... but really the only way we can go from here is up, as any downward movement, will be attributed to pass elected officers. :)

Kristen and Garrett Halligan said...

Ha love what dot...dot...dot... said. Amazing how the entire United States problems can be atributed to one person. It'd be racist of us to atribute anything to Obama though so Bush will get all the blame for anymore downward movement I'm sure! I will blame Obama for anything I can think of though, just for fun. Because like he said "The United States is the greatest country on Earth, let's change it". ha ha. I know what he meant but if anyone else said that, they would have been made fun of all over the news! Thats my speech, I'm done before some Obama supporters come on and I start an argument... ;) It will be interesting to see if he really was full of it or if he will make any good changes.