Ok, so not really. More in it to cross the finish line within 6 hours. Which I think I can definitely do. I have always wanted to run a marathon and today I think I got myself one step closer to that goal!! I finally registered for the Top of Utah half-marathon. I decided to go with just 13 because im pretty out of shape and 13 seems at least do-able and that will give me a good indication if I can do the full 26.2 im thinking....I guess i'll find out soon enough right? Well, looks like you all know what ill be doing this summer. Running and some running and more running. I talked Zack into doing it with me so now I have a running buddy too! I really am excited for it though. The race is August 23rd and I expect to see you all there at the finish line cheering me on ;) My Dad will be so proud. No wonder im the favorite huh?
Sunday, April 27, 2008
In it to win it!
Posted by Emily at 4:32 PM 7 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
It's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine, its summertime!!!
Well, that's the show! I just finished my last class of the semester about an hour ago! What a relief. Of course I still have finals, but I couldn't be happier to not have a lab to attend or my morning class to be 20 min. late to again!! Its been a good semester, but I feel great about it being done!! Bring on the sunshine and warm weather!! I wish I could jump in the ocean just like this picture, but its closer than I think im sure!! Yay for me and everyone else who is finishing classes and even graduating!! Way to do it in 4 years like you are supposed to!! As for me, bring on the 5 year plan!! Enjoy your weekend!
Posted by Emily at 12:33 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Alright...so here a few of my pet peeves at my job. A man just printed off like 30 pages of stuff and comes up to give me his ID card to pay for them (we dont take any cash, it has to be from their student ID card) and while handing me his card says, "I dont know if I have any money on there, I hope I do". Seriously? Ugh. This happens pretty frequently too. Its just on my nerves because its finals time and it happens more often. Dude, if you have no print outs, here is a hint- DONT PRINT -OR- add 75 cents to your card to pay for it!! Its not that complicated, really.
Yes, I could do the kind thing and pay for some of it myself, and when that happens to a person who printed out one thing, I am sympathetic and sometimes do. But if I helped out EVERY person that happened too, that would be a lot of money on my part.
Gripe #2- when people print out a slew of stuff and pretend like its not theirs when they pick it up because they don't want it anymore. There will be 15 pages of slides that all came out in the same print cue and then when they come up they grab the top 4 and pretend like it wasn't theirs. We know it was yours!! Now, this isnt something I call them on because I am cooler than that but still, its annoying. Were not stupid.
Alright, thanks for reading. Just wanted to get that off my chest. I really do love my job. Im lucky to have it, couldnt ask for a better one and im sure I have no room to complain but I just did. So there you have a glimpse into my job. I know, it surely could be SOO much worse. But I needed something to write about for the day. I promise I am in a good mood today :)
Comment with your own work or home frustrations, I honestly would love to hear. This is a place to vent!
Posted by Emily at 6:00 PM 4 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
This is where I live now...
I just wanted to give a quick blog post about my new residence. I have been at the library WAY too much this week!! I want to pull my hair out (not really, I like my hair, I think it's one of my best features). Yesterday I spent a total of 3.5 hours at my actual apartment (time I was awake anyway). That is just sad and ridiculous. I should just find a corner in the library and sleep there because I left the library last night when it closed and am here right now. This morning all I did was shower and come to the library. Sad, sad life. Oh well, I know plenty of other familiar faces here all can share in this misery. At least its nice? Eh.
Posted by Emily at 10:01 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Weekend Update!
We look a little funny in this picture but I still love it!
So this weekend was a really fun one! My Mom called me on Friday and told me she had some free passes to Deer Valley! I couldnt have been more excited since I hadn't gone skiing all season and that this would be free! Zack was able to get work off so he and I went and also my Dad and our neighbor Larry. It was a beautiful day up on the mountain! Great warm weather and the ski conditions were pretty good considering that is was April 12th. We got fried a little bit but it was fun!
Me and Zack with the view behind us! So beautiful!After we finished skiing and got cleaned up again and we had plans to have 'Asian Fest'. Zack served his mission to Japan and loves anything asian. So, we decided to make Egg Rolls together and then watch 'Memoirs of a Geisha'. The food turned out great and I love the movie. I think Zack enjoyed it too. We even ate on the floor in true style. Dont mind our lobster looking faces, we totally got fried skiing! Worth it though!
Posted by Emily at 1:46 PM 6 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
The End of the Semester
This picture truly explains how I feel. Not only am I stressed out AND sleep deprived, I also am only 'living for weekends and holidays'. Those of you who talk to me regularly should understand that because yes, I live for weekends because I seem to drive home to Sandy for each and every one of them to see the boy that makes me happy :)
I just want to use this post to vent out my frustrations about the end of the semester. Why is it that we cant have all the big papers and projects at LEAST somewhere in the middle?? I mean, when we start out, I think more people are motivated at the beginning of the semester than at the end. It's like our Professors think they are the only ones with the great idea to have us do a group project. News flash- we already are in group projects in every single class!! For one of my classes I have to make a movie for the group project. Excuse me? Are you just going to assume that I know how to make and edit a film? Am I in film school? What happened? Lets just pray this all goes well.
So I guess you could say i'm stressed. I know, it really will all turn out fine and dandy. Some classes I am grateful for group work since I am horrible in the class and I get put with brainiacs, so to those of you, I thank you for saving my grade. I know that this will probably come back to bite me in the butt when I become a teacher and have them do hard projects at the end of the year but oh well. I can complain now, and they, in turn can complain about me. I love Karma :)
I hope you all are doing well with the end of the 'school year' too, if it still applies to you. I am loving this spring weather though. I want more of it. Well, thats all folks!
Posted by Emily at 4:46 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The more you pee, the better you be!
Alright, so forgive me for the title of this post, but I couldn't resist. We had a guest speaker come to one of my health classes in high school and this is what he told us, and I never forgot it. Probably because it is ridiculous and true. I just wanted to post this blog as an ode to my water bottle. This picture to the side is exactly the one that I have. It is camelback brand, I got it from REI over Christmas break. It is so wonderful. I am really really bad at drinking water and it is always one of my New Year's Resolutions to drink more water. This trusty little water bottle has helped me do just that. I love the drinking spout and that it is a straw......im easily entertained alright? It just makes me want to drink more just to suck out of the awesome straw! Sad, but true. SO if by any random chance any of you are looking to buy a new water bottle for yourself, this is what you should get.
Posted by Emily at 7:08 PM 5 comments