Sunday, April 27, 2008

In it to win it!

Ok, so not really. More in it to cross the finish line within 6 hours. Which I think I can definitely do. I have always wanted to run a marathon and today I think I got myself one step closer to that goal!! I finally registered for the Top of Utah half-marathon. I decided to go with just 13 because im pretty out of shape and 13 seems at least do-able and that will give me a good indication if I can do the full 26.2 im thinking....I guess i'll find out soon enough right? Well, looks like you all know what ill be doing this summer. Running and some running and more running. I talked Zack into doing it with me so now I have a running buddy too! I really am excited for it though. The race is August 23rd and I expect to see you all there at the finish line cheering me on ;) My Dad will be so proud. No wonder im the favorite huh?


Niederfam said...

loving the new look, and you are NOT the favorite---i am, hello??? first grandchildren??? :) anyway......GOOD FOR YOU!!!! WOW, you go BIG.....I'm shooting for the 5K.......AWESOME, and YES, we will be there to cheer you on!!!! You go girl!!!

emily said...

yea! that sounds like a lot of fun. i actually did the top of utah marathon and i really loved it. but i will not do a marathon again. but a 1/2 - perfect! have fun training.

galbraithfam said...

So, am I going to get kicked out of the Galbraith family since I am not a runner, and definitely never will be? GOod for you though and that's fun that you and Zack can do it together! Good luck and We will definitely be there!

Nicole said...

yeah i can't believe you WANT to run 13 miles. but whatever, go for it!

erinmalia said...

oh man, you should also try the provo river half. it's a BLAST and all downhill! but good for you. good luck with the training. and yes, becky, you're kicked out. :)

Jewls said...

Woohoo! Way to go Em! 1/2 marathons are hard, I personally stick to 5-10k's, but I think that is just awesome!!

Mike and Barbara said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I miss Logan so much! You are so cute! I am so impressed you are running that. I could never do it!