Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Alright...so here a few of my pet peeves at my job. A man just printed off like 30 pages of stuff and comes up to give me his ID card to pay for them (we dont take any cash, it has to be from their student ID card) and while handing me his card says, "I dont know if I have any money on there, I hope I do". Seriously? Ugh. This happens pretty frequently too. Its just on my nerves because its finals time and it happens more often. Dude, if you have no print outs, here is a hint- DONT PRINT -OR- add 75 cents to your card to pay for it!! Its not that complicated, really.

Yes, I could do the kind thing and pay for some of it myself, and when that happens to a person who printed out one thing, I am sympathetic and sometimes do. But if I helped out EVERY person that happened too, that would be a lot of money on my part.

Gripe #2- when people print out a slew of stuff and pretend like its not theirs when they pick it up because they don't want it anymore. There will be 15 pages of slides that all came out in the same print cue and then when they come up they grab the top 4 and pretend like it wasn't theirs. We know it was yours!! Now, this isnt something I call them on because I am cooler than that but still, its annoying. Were not stupid.

Alright, thanks for reading. Just wanted to get that off my chest. I really do love my job. Im lucky to have it, couldnt ask for a better one and im sure I have no room to complain but I just did. So there you have a glimpse into my job. I know, it surely could be SOO much worse. But I needed something to write about for the day. I promise I am in a good mood today :)

Comment with your own work or home frustrations, I honestly would love to hear. This is a place to vent!


Noelle said...

"Oh here this one is blank..."

Press backspace fools.

"Oh, here....I didn't need this first half..."

Gee, thanks. I really was hoping that no one came and picked up this 58 page dissertation on quantum physics. I'll consider it a gift from you to me, courtesy of IT.

"But can't you just use my A#?...They did it for me last time...I know you can let me in...What? You're seriously not going to let me in? You're joking right? Oh this is bull..."

No sir, it's not bull. I don't know who let you in last time - and hey, usually i'm pretty lenient on letting people in without IDs (if they have a good attitude about it. ie: last for class, have to submit something online, etc), but EXCUSE ME!!?? Do NOT swear at me and assume that i'm just going to let you right on in. Here is my part of the conversation.

"Nope, sorry, you can't come in without an ID. Someone let you before? Well the shouldn't have, sorry. Don't make a habit out of this, you shouldn't have gotten let in so many times. No, I'm actually not going to let you in - I'm not joking about that. Maybe you shouldn't just assume we'll bend over backwards for you with an attitude like this...go somewhere else IDIOT!" Okay, so I didn't say idiot.

And pet peeve number...whatever. Creepy old men should not sit at the public access computers talking on MSN messenger and AIM the whole time. oh, and in chat rooms....SERIOUSLY who do you have to be instant messaging?? You're 60 years old!! Quit pretending like you're 16 and scamming on the teenage girls while looking at swimsuit model advertisements and clicking on all those sickee pop-up banners that come on the screen. YOU'RE A PERVERT, BUY A COMPUTER AND DO THIS AT HOME! Ya sickos.

Oh, and last but not least - Friday is NOT field trip day at the Library. It is NOT okay to leave your children unattended for the librarians to babysit. Even if you're a cute little boy named Sam.

Oh...ALSO...do not come into the computer labs whistling at the top of your lungs, then proceed to walk up the (uncovered) stairs to the fourth floor (which is open to the atrium of the entire library) and whistling the entire way. Last time I checked, whistling does NOT join the list of the 12 inch whisper. SHH!!

Now I think i'll make my own blog entry...ha ha, love you girl! can't wait for our shift this week!

Jewls said...

Ha ha...pretty sure I have done several of those things you complain about...I suck! But really, one more week and I don't have to use a lab ever again, so you can be thankful for that!

Niederfam said...

Totally made me laugh, so THANKS for that, and only a few more days, a few more days, til your headed to HAPPY VALLEY, let the FUN begin!!!

Kristen and Garrett Halligan said...

Phone rings, Co-worker: "Davis Security. Oh, invoice, money, ok let me just transfer you right over to Kristen because even though this may have nothing to do with her, you said the word invoice and this call probably has to do with hours really, which Kristen has nothing to do with, I'll just pass it onto her even though I probably made the mistake and all she does all day is clean up the accounts from the things we do."
Co-worker: "Kristen, what is $1,526 + $3,562? I'm horrible at math (and don't know how to use a calculator apparently)and even though you are supposed to just be a book keeper and have had no training in it anyways, I'm going to call you our Accountant and ask you stupid questions all day and have you check my math constantly."
Boss's wife: "Give everything to Kristen, she can fix that."
Boss: "If I gave her everything, she would be way too busy all day but we'll consider taking more away from the people who screw everything up and letting Kristen fix it all and do more work just because she has some common sense."
Kristen: "I should ask for a raise..."

hee hee I do like it here and don't really get bugged at half of that (only somedays) and I'm basically the only one that they let do whatever I want and never question my hours or anything so I'm lucky! I really do like my job and feel bad for venting but that was still fun!