Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Working at the labs, one of our policies is that there are no cell phones (well, conversations) allowed in the lab. I feel like this makes sense to everyone. You are in a computer lab. People are wrinting papers, studying, reading their online documents, etc. Even for the kid who is playing war craft all night, they come here to use the computers in peace. I feel that our labs at USU are pretty user friendly. We don't ask a lot. We even let you have food as long as you keep it off the same desk that your computer is on. My point?

When I ask you kindly to please just take your conversation of what you are doing on Saturday morning and how that is SOO.. early for you, to the designated area, don't roll your eyes at me and look at me like im a freak. We don't ask much.

Side note to anyone who wants to be smarter than this dude:
If you are trying to get away with being your cell phone, dont do it at the desk located directly in front of the lab consultant. I'm just sayin'....


Niederfam said...

NOTED.........and just get to used to eye roll, as a FUTURE teacher to HS kids, you'll see this frequently!!!!

Amy Lovell said...

I love that you work in the computer labs on campus...I did that at BYU. That job is the best job you could ever have! People thought I was a computer nerd, and sadly, I was ok with that.